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quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

ACLU ataca cristãos que oram antes dos exames

The left’s never-ending war on Christianity continues unabated.

(Baltimore Sun) — A Baltimore principal’s decision to use prayer in preparation for recent statewide tests is drawing criticism as improperly mixing religion and public education.

For two years, prayer services have been held at Northeast Baltimore’s Tench Tilghman Elementary/Middle School as the Maryland School Assessments, a standardized test for third through eighth grades, neared. Fliers promoted the most recent event, on March 5, as a way to “come together, as one, in prayer and ask God to bless our school to pass the MSA.”

Asked about the event, city school officials said they would investigate. In a prepared statement, the school system said that, “while we as a district understand that prayer plays an important role for many in our school communities . . . it is not appropriate for public institutions of education to promote any particular religious practice.”

An attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, meanwhile, called the event a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits organized prayer in public school settings.

“It’s not even a close call,” ACLU attorney David Rocah said. “The whole flier is clearly conveying a religious message, overtly proselytizing, and somebody should have known better.”

Jimmy Gittings, president of the city principals’ union, said he supported Principal Jael Yon, “an exceptional principal trying to do what’s best for our children in the Baltimore City school system.”

Gittings added, “The only individuals I hold accountable for these injustices for Ms. Yon are the narrow-minded politicians from some 50 years ago, for removing prayer from our schools. Once prayer was removed from our schools, the respect for our teachers and administrators has been increasingly out of control.”

HT: Fox Nation

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